7 Days To Die Leather Armor

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  1. 7 Days To Die Leather Armor Set
Posted by7 months ago

This is for A17.

Methodology: I spawned zombies in on nomad on day 1 and let them bite/scratch/hit/puke on and otherwise make me have a bad day, recording before and after hp values. Baseline is with lowest level ammo with no skills. Mid-Skill is considered to be level 20 with 2/5 invested in light/heavy armor skills. High Skill is considered to be level 60 with 4/5 invested in light/heavy armor skills. So you can go a little further than my high mark here, but that takes level 100 vs the level 60 required I tested for.

Zombie Base Damage Values: There were 2 damage values I saw zombies use: 10 damage and 20 damage. Bigger enemies and wights used 20 dmg, smaller enemies used 10. A Cop's spit dealt 10.

Gear slots are found on the left side of the Character Menu and they are used to equip the player's character with various types of clothing or armor. Each Clothing item has a gear slot associated with it and can only be equipped in the correct slot.

Armor Mobility Values: All light armor had 79% mobility, all heavy armor had 70% mobility. There is no sense in using lower tier light/heavy armor, higher tier slows you just as much. IMO this is wrong and they should give the less protective armors more mobility to provide for more player choice in what armor/mobility ratio they like.

EDIT: Section added!

Armor Stamina Values: Wearing armor makes it cost more to sprint. It does not appear to affect stamina regeneration or melee stamina usage. All Heavy Armor makes sprinting take an extra 4.5 stamina per second, all Light Armor makes sprinting take an extra 2.85 stamina per second.

Cloth Armor: T1 light armor, enough protection to make a difference but leather is twice as protective.

  • Effect Resistance: 10%

  • Baseline Cloth: 20% damage reduction

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  • Mid-Skill Cloth: 25% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Cloth: 30% damage reduction

Leather Armor: T2 light armor, you definitely notice yourself taking alot less damage. Almost as good as military armor.

  • Effect Resistance: 20%

  • Baseline Leather: 40% damage reduction

  • Mid-Skill Leather: 50% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Leather: 60% damage reduction

Military Armor:

  • Effect Resistance: 30%

  • Baseline Military: 50% damage reduction

  • Mid-Skill Military: 60% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Military: 70% damage reduction

Scrap Iron Armor: T1 heavy armor, enough protection to make a difference but iron is noticeably more protective. This one is the only one that defied expectations from the armor rating given, it SHOULD be 35% and 40% or close with mid/high, but instead I got the listed values. I even saw my hp go to a lower number and then raise without any healing present including no natural healing during testing. Wierd.

  • Effect Resistance: 15%

  • Baseline Scrap: 30% damage reduction

  • Mid-Skill Scrap: 40% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Scrap: 50% damage reduction

Iron Armor: T2 heavy armor, you definitely notice yourself taking alot less damage. Almost as good as steel armor.

  • Extra stamina used to sprint: 4.5 stamina per second.

  • Effect Resistance: 30%

  • Baseline Iron: 50% damage reduction

  • Mid-Skill Iron: 60% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Iron: 70% damage reduction

Steel Armor: T3 heavy armor and the highest protection you can get in the game. You take very little damage.

7 Days To Die Leather Armor
  • Extra stamina used to sprint: 4.5 stamina per second.

  • Effect Resistance: 45%

  • Baseline Steel: 60% damage reduction

  • Mid-Skill Steel: 70% damage reduction

  • High-Skill Steel: 85% damage reduction

7 Days To Die Leather Armor Set

Important Observations:

  • 1 armor rating = 1% damage reduction.

  • The skill 'Pain Tolerance' does not reduce your damage taken. I'm guessing it reduces the amount of max hp you lose from damage, along with the stun resistance it gives you.

  • There are mods that add armor rating or durability, they are flat values and straight forwards. You can add up to 15% mobility and 15% damage reduction with the highest tier of each in your armors.

  • The difference between light armor appears to be that heavy armor has 10% more damage reduction but gives up 10% mobility in tradeoff for each tier. Heavy armor does get more effect resistance per tier though.

  • Once you are in T2 or higher armor and start to put skill points into light/heavy armor as well as natural healing you essentially become unkillable. Your survivability might scale a little bit too much. Zombies were doing like 2-5 damage per hit when in T3 armor and skilled up. You essentially stop needing to even heal yourself. This may be appropriate for higher difficulties but on nomad you're a walking unkillable tank.


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