Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Malkavian Build

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  1. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Gangrel Build

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Overview. The player can select one of seven vampire clans: the powerful Brujah, the decadent Toreador, the insane Malkavian, the aristocratic Ventrue, the monstrously-deformed Nosferatu, the blood-magic wielding Tremere, or the animalistic Gangrel. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Game free Download Full Version. Welcome to VTMB Reddit, the subreddit dedicated to Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2, the original V:TM games, and other curios from. The World of Darkness, a place where immortal monsters pull the strings of humanity. Violence and despair are common here. The world is bleak, but escape is an ever-present commodity - perhaps too present.

And now the most awaited clan on the Camarilla : the Malkavian clan.

The Malkavian Clan was my first clan, like many others. They’re “different”, they “have the ultimate truth” and whatnot. They’re misunderstood. Just like me in my teenage years, just like you guys as PnP players : by default we’re the odd kind, we’re elsewhere, and the Malkavian’s concept usually strikes close to home because “hey they tell me I’m insane too !” and of course, the general teen feeling that we’re smarter than other people.
Let’s face it, most of us gamers have primaries in Mental attributes And by being teens, gamers, nerds and geeks, the Malk strike so close to home it’s normal it’s our “default” clan.

Well it’s a mistake. It’s very complex, but yeah. We were wrong.

Malkavians are not fun, they’re not cute, they’re not “the smart misunderstood ones”. The clanbooks are just awful, they’re full of troll talk, and they do not explain what “insanity” is. Big faux pas! But understandable when we consider the target audience for White Wolf’s books.

Malkavians are the least prone to wear funny clothes. No ponytails. No top hats. No crazy talk. A good Malkavian is one you can’t guess the clan right away. It’s that a bit creepy neighbor, that one cashier that looks at you odd, that one homeless guy with his beer and mumbling around in public transportation. That one person you ignore when they try to talk to you, or you just switch sidewalks and turn the volume up on your music.

Nobody wants to be around those people, and nobody wants to be around a Malkavian for these reasons. You may talk to them for a while, then get that shiver of worry, like they don’t quite get it, like they don’t quite understand, like there’s a big black hole of scary stuff behind those eyes, and be like “Imma gotta head over there…” Avoid the Malk at all costs. Even Malks avoid each other.

Malkavians are insane, not stupid. Many of them are perfectly lucid about their own state : they know they’re supposed to be insane, and they know that if someone finds out they have a split personality, that will be used against them. So a good aware Malkavian tends to fake their insanity, or masquerade their insanity to something else, because their own behavior is totally normal to them. They don’t think they’re crazy after all, but it’s expected of them to be crazy, so they create a set of crazy things to do so that people around them will see “that” as their curse, and not the real deal.

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But what is insanity exactly?

No, it’s not prophetic visions and crazy talk. Insanity is not fun, it’s not cute, it’s not nice, and it’s not childish. Insanity is very, very scary shit. But insanity is not visible at all times. Please understand that most insane and mentally ill people don’t strike as insane at the first glance. But given enough time, anyone will be like 'okaaaayy… backing away now…'

Insanity is about having a certain mindset and a certain understanding of the world. To make a good Malkavian, means you need to draw a psychological profile and push it just a little further. Malkavians are extremely rational in their own mindset, you have to be sure that you get the inner logic, and that your ST gets it too so they can create your world.

The Malkavian mind works a bit like the passion of the Toreador : you have to be very exhaustive with a Malkavian’s background because the “blood of Malkav” affects the character according to this background. Insanity is personal, it’s linked to your close up history and life. Which is why, for the love of everything, PLEASE NEVER start saying “I’m playing a Malkavian”.

You need first a character, THEN the character gets embraced. And nobody chooses to be Malkavian.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Gangrel Build

This is true for all clans, but it’s even more true for Malkavians.


Why is it more important for Malkavian characters to be characters first, then Malkavians? It’s important for all clans, but I insist, for Malks it’s even more important. Why ? Because the adjective for Malkavians is : diversity. Malkavians can truly be anyone and everyone.

Most Malkavians have different thinking patterns, but most Malkavias are smart enough to keep those secret, because they don’t want to be manipulated by other people who can trigger their issues at will. Some of them, especially the sociopaths, are perfectly aware that they’re not “normal”, but they take extra time and energy to look normal. They fake feelings, they fake their derangements, they play an extra level of Masquerade, because they want to be trusted, because they have their agendas, because the voices whisper.

Also, that extra sight Malkavians have ? Give Auspex 2 to the character, and whisper “he’s lying.”. Malkavians get it right because their intuition is usually right. However, they can (and people do) assign this intuition to their madness and the voices, and not just good cold reading.

Always remember that Kindred are not perfectly aware and educated about how their own body and how their powers work. Can you describe exactly what happens to an orange you eat and how it’s processed exactly in your body ? Discipline training is very vague and odd, and misunderstood. There’s no science ^^ Especially if you don’t have ny points in Occult and if you don’t have a Tremere Library supporting your studies (through dogma and proselitism of course !). Kindred just “know” how it works, but they can’t word it. Malks are the more prone to explain it in a different, unconventional way.

The Tremere have two disciplines in common with the Malks : Dominate and Auspex (Dementation is just an offspring of Dominate.). They are very much alike, except the Tremere have their own initiations and their own beliefs systems. Even if both think each other are so different… Like the Toreador and the Brujah, after all, they do, too, share two disciplines (Presence and Celerity).

Malkavians make great investigators, sheriffs and interrogators because their mind usually do not work the same way as other : they are more prone to notice things that people overlook. They care not about norms, and they’ll break someone because they just won’t bother thinking about frames and thought patterns. They will come out with solutions that nobody has thought.
Think about it this way : there’s a bathtub full of water, the psy and sulu to empty it and gives a spoon, a cup and a bucket. The malkavian will think about “unplugging the cork” of the bathtub, while us, normies, won’t even consider the option. It doesn’t belong to our frame of thinking.
This lack of boundaries is a blessing and a curse. Use it well, and very carefully !

Best Malk in my opinion ? Therese Voerman (character from Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines). Forget about Jeanette, Therese really has issues. Control issues, delusions, ambition, and a very narrow minded view of hierarchy. Perfect.
As we're discussed with a few people, actually, the mere concept of a clan for the crazies is just. 'why ?'. All Malkavians can be assigned to other clans without any issues. I'd better have a OCD Tremere, a Control issues Brujah, a Inferiority or superiority complex Ventrue.. I don't need a clan for the crazies to have crazy characters. Because at some point, ALL Kindred are crazy. They're all insane. Their minds can't keep up with the shit arround them, they're freaking DEAD, everythinkg they knew was shattered to pieces.. There's no need of an extra layer of horror. There's plenty shit to work with, nope ?

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Overview

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Free Download for PC is a 2004 action role-playing video game developed byTroika Games and released by Activision forMicrosoft Windows. Set in White Wolf Publishing'sWorld of Darkness, the game is based on White Wolf's role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade and follows either a male or female character who is killed and subsequently revived as a fledgling vampire. The game depicts the fledgling's journey through 21st century Los Angeles to uncover the truth behind a recently discovered relic that heralds the end of all vampires.

Bloodlines is presented from first and third-personperspectives. The player assigns their character to one of several vampire clans—each with unique powers, customize their combat and dialog abilities and progress through the game with violent and nonviolent methods. « View full review »

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