Oracle Linux 7.6 User Login

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  1. Oracle Linux 6.7 Iso Download
  2. Oracle Linux 7.6 User Login Download
  3. Oracle Linux 7.4 Download

It's been over 10 years since I last used RedHat (which I believe that Oracle Linux came from). So I cannot remember the steps to create a new user, add them to the appropriate groups, set up their home environment, etc.

I can find individual commands for Oracle Linux, but no work flow on how to go about the process (as in what steps an admin must follow to do the complete process of adding a new user to the Oracle Linux environment).

Could someone provide the recommended steps when a new user is required for a Oracle Linux system please?


I should note that I'm dealing with a headless system so I need to know how to do this from the command line. Looking at the resources on the oracle site keeps showing GUI ways to do things intermingled with the CLI. For example, it states the command of how to create a user at the command line, but doesn't show how to set the user name via the command line. Instead it shows the GUI User Manager tool.

Oracle Linux 6.7 Iso Download


2 Answers

You can add users to your Oracle Linux system using the useradd command as root. If you need to add a group as well, use the groupadd command. You can see extended help for both commands by typing man useradd and man groupadd at your terminal prompt.

Here's an Article from Oracle explaining exactly how to manage users on Oracle Linux.


An example:

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After adding the user, assuming it's for an actual person and not a system service, you likely want to set a password:

The user details are visible in the '/etc/passwd' file. If no UID is specified, the next largest UID is assigned. A new group with a group name matching the user name is also created. By default, the users home directory is created under the '/home' directory and the shell is '/bin/bash'.

Oracle Linux 7.6 User Login Download


Since Oracle Linux is very similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you may find useful the section 'User and Group Management Tools' of RHEL 5 Deployment Guide available here.

Marco BaldelliMarco Baldelli

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  • Project: VagrantBoxes@GitHub
  • Use this box with Vagrant: vagrant init terrywang/oraclelinux-7-x86_64 && vagrant up
  • Alternative (Direct Download): Oracle Linux 7.6 x86_64 Vagrant Base Box
  • SHA256: 44ba249926588c81ca626ae4e06d080e29ac91d32a6b892e539e29379b363f5c

Oracle Linux 7.4 Download

This is a minimal base box built for Vagrant. Initially created using VirtualBox 4.3.24 (now 6.0.2) on Linux x86_64, guest additions installed, packaged using Vagrant 2.2.3.

NOTE: This Oracle Linux 7.6 base box can be updated to latest 7.x minor releases once it is made available via Oracle's Public YUM Server. You also get package updates and errata for free. For example, once Oracle Linux 7.7 is made available, just run yum update -y and stay sharp. Enjoy!

Vagrant Base Box Information

  1. Release: Oracle Linux 7.6 x86_64
  2. Kernels: UEK R5 => kernel-uek-4.14.35-1844.1.3.el7uek.x86_64, Red Hat Compatible Kernel => 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64
  3. VirtualBox Guest Additions 6.0.2 installed
  4. Default boot target =>, /etc/inittab is NO LONGER used due to the switch to systemd.
  5. Public YUM and EPEL configured, system up-to-date (packages and errata) as of 22 January, 2019 (UTC+11). Simply run yum update -y as root to stay updated.
  6. Users and passwords
    • root / vagrant
    • vagrant / vagrant Public Key authentication configured for vagrant, password-less sudo
  7. File Systems Layout
    • Virtual Hard Disk Capacity 20GB, Dynamically allocated
    • /dev/sda1 => /bootext4 500M
    • /dev/sda2 => LVM Physical Volume
    • /dev/linux/root => /xfs 15GB
    • /dev/linux/home => /homeext4 3.8GB
    • No swap partition (LV) or swap file is configured
    • reserved blocks percentage: /boot => 0%, /home => 0%
    • btrfs support, btrfs-progs tools installed
    • In case more storage space is needed, create a new hard disk using VBoxManage createhd, attach it using VBoxManage storageattach. Then create a physical volume using the new HDD, add it to existing volume group, either grow existing logical volumes or create new ones, as you wish.
  8. Networking
    • Networking mode - NAT
    • Port forwarding configured for NAT => VBoxManage modifyvm 'oracle7' --natpf1 'guestssh,tcp,2222,22'
    • Hostname =>
    • For people who prefer the old NIC naming scheme (ethX instead of more predictable enpXsY), pass net.ifnames=0 as kernel boot parameter to revert to old style.
  9. Extra packages installed
    • tmux (~vagrant/.tmux.conf based on Gist)
    • vim (with Vundle.vim, see ~/.vimrc)
    • gdb, strace, crash, ltrace
    • git, tig, colordiff
    • rsync, fdupes
    • htop, dstat, glances, smem, lsof, iotop
    • coreutils, moreutils, net-tools (inetutils), bind-utils
    • pv, tree, psmisc
    • wget, curl, gawk, ack, ag (the_silver_searcher)
    • zsh (with prezto), bash-completion
    • ethtool, iptraf, iperf3, iftop, nmap
    • bmon, tcpdump, nfs-utils, fuse-sshfs
    • conntrack, iptstate
    • lshw, pciutils, usbutils
    • reptyr, ntsysv, yum-utils
    • sl
    • neofetch (shell script)
  10. systemd services
    • sshd.service (enabled)
    • firewalld.service (disabled)
    • kdump.service (disabled)
    • postfix.service (enabled)
    • sysstat.service (enabled)
    • rhnsd (off)
  11. SELinux is disabled. To re-enable it, edit /etc/selinux/config and reboot
  12. Optional debuginfo repository added, disabled by default. Enable by editing /etc/yum.repos.d/debuginfo.repo

Basic Software

  • rbenv installed in ~vagrant/.rbenv
  • ruby 2.6.0 installed using ruby-build
  • chef 14.8.12 installed
  • Puppet YUM repository configured and enabled. To install puppet master run yum install puppet-server, to install puppet on agent nodes run yum install puppet, to configure, check Configuring Puppet
  • Other gems => bundler, rbenv-rehash

Getting started

Download the base box and get the box started


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